Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Broken Rec-Rec-Record

Some info has been passed along, so I'll post an update on the last thread.

Confessions, obtained without torture - NimC, Fluteflute and five others phoned in to admit they are terrorists but didn't leave a name or contact number.

Accusations - According to 2 annonymous callers, I am a terrorist.

Supporters - 2 annonymous callers claim to be proud to support the terrorists, but weren't proud enough to name themselves.

"Innocent" Bystanders - 4 annonymous callers deny involvement, while laughter was heard in the background.

Of the accused, Rabban paid me a personal visit in Kurgan, Russia and narrowly escaped after one of his cells was killed while undergoing interrogation. No-one else has come forward to defend themselves, but a Ronin spokesman mentioned some historical facts I was previously unaware of in thier defence. I also recieved a letter from the New Brave 3rd Recon Dwarf Commandos Alliance informing me of the Tiger's past strength and the historically random nature of Godeyes and Wolf of Totem. It went on to speculate that they would not accept funding. The letter also contained traces of white powder which was at first believed to be anthrax, but turned out to be a sample of Minister Joedeuces124's stash.

A press release from the Crimson Saints Alliance media office confirmed that Godeyes, Tiger, Tigers, and Wolf of Totem are a part of the same alliance, and noted that in the higher circles of the GEWar International Community that this was common knowledge.

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